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Report Reveals Realities of Feeding
9.7 Billion People by 2050

Elanco Animal Health’s Enough™ Movement presents solutions to real issues, encourages dialogue on creating a food-secure world to #Feedthe9.

On Oct. 28 Elanco Animal Health, a subsidiary of Eli Lilly & Co., released an updated report in support of its groundbreaking food security movement, ENOUGH: Building a Food-Secure Tomorrow. The report and its new, interactive website can be found at

The Enough Movement, a global community dedicated to finding practical solutions for a food-secure world, is commemorating its second year by growing into a new, interactive digital report on The site fosters discussion on the global implications and realities of food security and ways to take action.

“Humanity is using the resource equivalent of 1.6 earths a year, and that’s just not sustainable for the next generation,” said Jeff Simmons, president of Elanco Animal Health. “Never has there been more urgency around discussing food security — as the Earth’s population is estimated to reach 9.7 billion in 2050, experts say that will mean a 60% increase in demand for meat, milk and eggs. Adding more animals isn’t the answer. We need innovative solutions and collaboration to move the discussion forward.”

Considering the projected increase in demand for animal protein, the Enough Movement looks critically at how the current trend of adding more animals creates an unsustainable model ill-equipped to support population growth. It also explores potential solutions that not only increase efficiency, but safeguard animal welfare in an environment where emerging diseases are a threat.

Enough Report
The report is anchored in true sustainability and focuses on four key pillars: innovation, choice, access and nutrition. Each pillar offers a modern approach to tackling the global issue of food insecurity.

“Without new approaches, we won’t be able to meet the demand for safe, sufficient, affordable protein produced in a sustainable way,” added Simmons. “We must continue to find new solutions and better ways to produce animal protein that both protects the welfare of the animal and meets consumers’ expectations. Ultimately, we must ensure our efforts are right for the health and welfare of animals, right for people and right by the planet.”

Simmons shared the updated Enough report for the first time at the Atlantic Food Summit, underwritten by Elanco, on Oct. 29 in Washington, D.C. More information is available here.

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Editor’s Note: This article is provided by Elanco Animal Health.





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