March 22, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 3-B

Front Page

Angus Advantage

Profitability Isn’t Random

Profitable females don’t just happen.

“Cows are not profitable,” according to Jordan Thomas. That’s an unorthodox declaration, perhaps, coming from a University of Missouri animal scientist and state cow-calf extension specialist. But, the statement grabbed the attention of cow-calf producers attending Cattlemen’s College during the 2023 Cattle Industry Convention in New Orleans.

Adam Conover

Association Perspective

Position yourself to maximize the peaks and elevate the valleys.

As we move into exciting times in the beef cattle industry, we are presented a fork in the road. It is probably human nature to enjoy the supply and demand position that is receiving its share of the credit for cattle price increases. … We all know ebbs and flows are part of cattle markets. With “natural” momentum on our side, why not position yourself to maximize the peaks and elevate the valleys?

Tyson Ventures Invests in Athian’s Cloud-based Carbon Credit Marketplace for Livestock Sector

Investment will help fund groundbreaking solution to reward livestock producers for certified greenhouse gas reductions.

Athian, the world’s first cloud-based carbon marketplace for the livestock industry, announces a seed investment from Tyson Ventures, the venture capital arm of Tyson Foods Inc., one of the world’s largest food companies and a recognized leader in protein.

March 8, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 3-A

Bull Selection: The Options are Endless

Focusing on the long-term needs of your herd will make the bull-buying process much simpler.

It’s bull sale season. When it comes to selecting a herd bull, the decisions seem endless, and you can’t just pick any bull. Your decision will affect your herd’s profitability for years to come.

“The bull purchase is probably one of the most important decisions a herd makes,” says Troy Rowan, assistant professor of beef cattle genomics at the University of Tennessee. “We’re assigning some form of value to this bull, and we’re investing in him based on what we think his genetic potential is.”

News & Notes

Stay current with news from across the country, including upcoming Angus events.

This month’s “News & Notes” includes scholarships available to commercial buyers of registered Angus bulls, a “save the date” for the 2023 Angus Convention, details on cows and bulls qualifying as Pathfinders® in 2023, reactions by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association to Brazil’s delay in reporting a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy and challenges to the Beef Checkoff, a new platform to honor environmental stewards, details on the World Angus Technical Meeting and requirements to be a voting delegate to the annual meeting.

‘Separating Years’ Lay Ahead, Blach Says

On The Angus Conversation: Breeders need to prepare as cow herd numbers dwindle, prices go up.

It was a train wreck. That’s the only way to put the beef market of four decades ago, Randy Blach, CEO of CattleFax, shares in a recent episode of The Angus Conversation, an Angus Journal podcast hosted by Miranda Reiman and American Angus Association CEO Mark McCully.

“We lost 12% of all people in agriculture in the decade of the ’80s. Cattle prices fell out of bed,” he says. “We lost, I want to say basically 400,000 beef cattle producers in the late ’70s through the mid-’90s. We lost 16 million cattle out of our inventories, I believe 7 or 8 million beef cows. So, it was anything but fun.”