Angus Beef Bulletin EXTRA

Guide to abbreviations and acronyms

To make the "Angus Advisor" more concise and consistent,
we have used the following abbreviations or expressions:

$Values: dollar value indexes
ADG: average daily gain
AI: artificial insemination
AIMS: Angus Information Management Software
BCS: body condition score
BLV: bovine leukemia virus
BMP: best management practices
BQA: beef quality assurance
BRD: bovine respiratory disease
BRSV: bovine respiratory synctial virus
brucellosis: Bang's disease
BSE: bovine spongiform encephalopathy
BVD: bovine viral diarrhea
Ca: calcium
CHAPS: Cow Herd Analysis and Performance System

CP: crude protein

cwt.: hudredweight
DM: dry matter
EPD: expected progeny difference
ET: embryo transfer
FMD: foot-and-mouth disease
GnRH: gonadotropin-releasing hormone
IBR: infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
ID: identification
IM: intramuscular
in.: inch
lb.: pound
LCT: lower critical temperature
lepto: leptospirosis
Mg: magnesium
MiG: management-intensive grazing
MLV: modified-live virus
N: nitrogen
P: phosphorus
PI: persistent infection
PI3: parainfluenza-3 virus
preg-check: pregnancy-check
Se: selenium
sq. ft.: square feet
SPA: Standardized Performance Analysis
TB: bovine tuberculosis
TDN: total digestible nutrients
THI: temperature-humidity index
trich: trichomoniasis
Zn: zinc