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May 20, 2011
Sara Snider
Sara Snider

The Source

Western Video Market data from fall 2010 sales support premium of AngusSource®-tagged calves.

There's a lot to think about this time of year. Spring and fall tend to be the busiest times of year in the AngusSource department. April was our largest enrollment month ever, with 21,440 head enrolled in AngusSource and 3,699 enrolled in Gateway. We talk with producers from across the country on a daily basis. And we get to hear about their operations. This year more than ever there has been a lot of news to share.

Our hearts go out to those affected by the tornadoes, the floods and the wildfires. Our thoughts are with those hoping for some rain to fill the tanks and bring on the grass — and for those waiting for a little dry weather so they can get in the fields.

There are constant challenges. But we also talk with those folks who are marketing their fall calves, topping the market and receiving all-time-high paychecks for their operations. We talk to the seedstock producers who had record bull sales and the commercial cattlemen who purchased outstanding registered Angus bulls and are looking forward to next year's calf crop. We are reminded that through all the struggles there are rewards, and we are blessed to work in the cattle industry.

This time of year there aren't enough hours in the day to get it all done, but make sure you don't forget to enroll your calves in the AngusSource or Gateway program. The Western Video Market data from fall 2010 sales support the earlier data we released from Superior Livestock Video. Calves that were age- and source-verified through the AngusSource program were worth $2.57 per hundredweight (cwt.) more than non-verified calves. With rising input costs, every opportunity to add more money to your bottom line counts.

Our enrollment price remains one of the lowest in the industry — just $50 per enrollment group plus the cost of the tags. Our team in the office and our field staff of regional managers are ready to help you get your calves enrolled and promoted via the online listing site. More than 600 potential buyers receive the information about your calves when you list them online, free of charge, on our site.

If you've enrolled with us before, you will be receiving a re-enrollment checklist and current bull battery in the mail approximately one month prior to your normal enrollment date. Return that to us completed, along with copies of the required records, and we can get started on your enrollment. If you've never enrolled, but have been thinking about it, now is the perfect time. Visit to download a producer participant manual and enrollment forms, or call our office at 816-383-5100 and we will mail one to you.

We look forward to working with you on your enrollment.

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