February 3, 2020 | Vol. 13 : No. 1

Radale Tiner

Association Perspective

Vision determines direction.

“Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left…” — Proverbs 4:25-27

A journey without a destination is wandering.

The above Proverb underscores the value of vision, direction and focus and their role in the desired outcome. As the new year begins, amid weather interruptions, calving cows and turning bulls out, for those of us involved in this ever-changing business, setting aside time to consider the why and the where is imperative for your operation (and in the tough years, your sanity).

If you don’t know where you are headed, when the road dead-ends, how do you know where to go? Right? Or left? Should I change grazing techniques? Amongst all the things you can do, what should you do?

Having a vision and knowing where you are going makes those questions much easier to answer. Have you taken time to look down the road? To identify exactly where your herd is going? Or needs to go? Maybe it’s growth-driven. Maybe it’s quality-driven. Maybe your vision is efficiency in time allowing more time for other activities? Whatever the desired destination, name it. A journey without a destination is wandering.

Our Association is no different. Without clear vision, direction and focus, we too can end up going nowhere. Many of you probably haven’t given it a thought, but our vision statement is simple: “To be the leading and most progressive, member-driven, consumer-focused beef organization in the world.” That’s where we are going and what forms our direction and focus. Specific to our mission and vision, Association leadership has outlined Strategic Priorities for 2020. A couple of my favorites are:

  1. 1) Increasing data collection specific to cow longevity to better characterize and predict those traits.
  2. 2) Improve fertility and conception rates.
  3. 3) Focus on increasing the value of feeder cattle sired by registered Angus bulls through AngusLinkSM.

Our Association is committed to providing and improving the tools in your arsenal to allow you to make the best decisions. To learn more about the Strategic Priorities for 2020, check out CEO Mark McCully’s Common Ground article in this month’s issue of the Angus Journal.

Just as our Association has set forth a vision and strategic priorities to achieve the goals of the vision, our operations and our lives need that kind of vision. If I know where I want to end up, it affects every decision I make.

Cast a vision. Vision determines direction. Direction drives focus. Focus gets results.

Editor’s note: Alex Tolbert is the regional manager for Region 3, including Kentucky, Ohio and Tennessee. Click here to find the regional manager for your state.