May 25, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 5-B

Front Page

Angus Advantage

BLM Proposes Ambiguous Rule

Stakeholder groups across the country voice concern about “conservation” on BLM-owned public lands.

Is conservation a “use,” or is it a practice? Is it equivalent to grazing, mining, recreation or logging, which generate profit and benefit society? Can you purchase a 10-year lease on a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) allotment and do nothing with it in the name of “conservation?”

Reese Tuckwiller

Association Perspective

Check your herd bull’s fertility.

We do our best to prepare for Mother Nature and her temper tantrums. Yet, as we all know, she loves to surprise us thoughout the year with winter blizzards, summer droughts, wildfires and floods. With all these environmental factors affecting our operations, winter seems to have the most effect on reproductive performance.

Is it Good Stress or Bad Stress?

Causes and signs of bad stress, and its effect on long-term health.

Bad stress feels overwhelming, like a pileup, and long-term stressors can lead to negative health effects. Help reduce stress by taking care of your physical health and talking to a trusted source.

May 11, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 5-A

How Grazing Management Can Propel Your Profit

Angus University webinar discusses key grazing management strategies.

Grass is vital to a producer’s cattle and profitability. With factors like stocking rates, input costs and soil vigor all playing a part in pasture management, how do cattlemen decide where to focus to optimize use of this resource?

News & Notes

Stay current with news and notes from across the country.

This month’s “News & Notes” includes an invitation to the 2023 Angus Convention in Orlando, Fla.; announcement of a new regional manager for Colorado and Nebraska and highlights of some regulatory items affecting farmers and ranchers.

California’s Winter Strikes Hard

California cattleman shares experience.

California isn’t known for cold, harsh winters. In fact, according to Dan Byrd of Byrd Cattle Co., Red Bluff, Calif., many ranchers, especially those in snow country, opt to send their cows to California for a milder calving season. In normal years, that strategy works. The winter of 2022-23 may be the exception.