March 5, 2020 | Vol. 13 : No. 2

Health & Nutrition


Supplementing Forages on a Budget

Lessen hay needs by feeding smarter, not harder.

It is said that cow-calf producers are engaged in an inherently low-margin business. The costs associated with maintaining a cow herd are high, with feed costs comprising the lion’s share of total expenses. That’s why Eric Bailey claims the No. 1 key to managing cow costs is to control expenditures for supplemental feed. The University of Missouri beef nutrition specialist shared tips for doing just that during a Cattlemen’s College® educational session conducted at the 2020 Cattle Industry Convention Feb. 5-7 in San Antonio, Texas.

Colostrum Alternatives

Tips given to tell whether a colostrum alternative is necessary.

Colostrum is crucial for a newborn calf, providing instant energy and temporary immunity to help the calf fight diseases it will soon encounter. Calves that don’t receive or absorb adequate levels of antibodies from colostrum are at greater risk for illness — up to six times greater risk of death in the first three months of life.

Milking in Mind

Consider dietary changes needed for early-lactation beef cows.

Beef cow owners have known for years that body condition at calving time is a critical determinant in the rebreeding performance of the cows during the next breeding season. Another key factor that affects return to estrus and rebreeding is the maintenance or loss of body condition after calving and before breeding. Cows losing body condition after calving and before the breeding season will be slower to cycle and will rebreed at a lower rate. Therefore, it is necessary that the cow manager understand the change in nutrient requirements of beef cows as they change from gestating cows to early-lactation cows.

Nutrition Myths Busted

Nutritionists offer top 10 most-heard nutrition myths.

“This is a presentation born of frustration,” stated cow-calf nutritionist Dusty Abney, explaining that he and colleague Wesley Moore felt compelled to respond to at least some of the misinformation that circulates among patrons of local cafés scattered all across cow country. That’s why the Cargill Premix and Nutrition beef technical specialists conducted their Cattlemen’s College myth-busting session during the 2020 Cattle Industry Convention, hosted Feb. 5-7 in San Antonio, Texas.

Coccidiosis Diagnosis

Diagnosis tips to figure out the cause of scours in calves.

The most common illness in young calves is scours, but there are many causes. Diarrhea can be due to certain kinds of bacteria, viruses or protozoa. Whether calves get sick is often related to multiple factors, including exposure and level of immunity. Good weather, clean ground and stress reduction — protecting calves from bad weather, not confining cattle too much during calving season — can help reduce incidence of scours.

Mindful Management

Reimagining liver health in beef cattle.

Undetectable diseases are hard to cure. You can’t look at a pen of feedyard cattle and know which ones have liver abscesses. Even technologies like ultrasound or blood tests don’t uncover it.

BVD Vaccines

When is the best time to vaccinate?

Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) affects cattle in many ways. It can cause abortion, birth defects, stillborn full-term calves, immune deficiencies in persistently infected animals, and acute or chronic illness. BVDV is also an indirect cause of many other diseases because it has adverse effects on the immune system.