September 3, 2020 | Vol. 13 : No. 8


Do Extraordinary Things

Be the needed hero.

What does a hero look like? The gold standard that comes to mind is servicemen and women and first responders — those who rush into a difficult situation to help, right? Heroes make life better. So, what if a hero is really an ordinary person who does extraordinary things?

Kevin Brown, professional speaker, turns that oft-quoted missive on its ear. “An ordinary person who does extraordinary things makes no sense, because by default, you have to convince yourself that you’re ordinary in the first place.”

He offers, in contrast, that a hero is an extraordinary person who chooses not to be ordinary. The “extra” is a choice.

“You can never go wrong doing the right thing. Kindness is a virtue without need for reason,” says Brown.

How does this relate to the cattle industry? Marketing disruptions due to COVID-19 leave plenty of room for trying new marketing avenues like direct sales. Brown says, from his experience in the business world, people will pay premiums for those who go the extra mile. In the absence of extra effort, business will be commoditized. There are two times people will talk about you: when you exceed expectations and when you miss them.

He shares that the No. 1 trait of leaders, parents and friends is that they can see things as they can be. If you have a compelling vision, the resources will start to show up. People who show up in your life show up for a reason, Brown says. Confidence only moves to arrogance when you stop learning and improving.

One moment in time can change your life, and personal connection drives it. Brown shares a story of how one moment of kindness toward his son from a chef at a Disney resort turned into a lifelong relationship and direction for his son’s life.

The No. 1 trait of leaders, parents and friends is that they can see things as they can be.

He notes that “I’m proud of you” is second only to “I love you” to the important people in your life, and people always need to hear it. We never forget the voice of influence in our lives.

When you look in the mirror, he asks, do you see the people who got you here? Who looks in the mirror and sees your face? Who is better because you showed up?

Don’t get so wrapped up in what you do that you forget why, he says. Yes, times are uncertain, but that is the perfect opportunity to choose to be a hero.

Editor's note: Lead photo by Paige Nelson.