May 4, 2021 | Vol. 14 : No. 4

The Link

Everything is hard before it’s easy.

The colts ran around the pen with one in the lead and another dragging tail. The 6666 Ranch brought some outstanding colts to choose from for this competition, which challenges equestrians to “build a partnership with an untrained 3-year-old American Quarter Horse across three intense days of competition.” I was able to sneak a day to watch the process and the eventual payoff for Wade Black at the 2021 Road to the Horse competition.

Black was the wild card winner in 2019. I was grateful when his aunt asked me if I had time to watch him compete. After his win, I asked him if there were any secrets he could share.

“Just don’t quit,” he said. “Everything is hard before it’s easy.”

That statement equally applies to enrolling in AngusLinkSM.

Some producers think there should be a guaranteed premium for the time it takes to enroll. Face it, everyone doesn’t get a trophy or a premium. Yet every rancher who enrolls is following their passion to raise the best, well-cared-for calves that will produce the best U.S. beef on the dinner table. That is their reward. Although, generally, there is a premium tagging along for their efforts.

Read more in the Feeder-Calf Marketing Guide that hits mailboxes early June.

Editor’s note: Ginette Gottswiller is the director of verification services for the American Angus Association.