January 25, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 1-B



Boost Profits by Frost-seeding Legumes Now

Seed now to increase performance, reduce fescue toxicosis.

Add legumes to fescue and other cool-season pastures at the right time to add pounds and profits to cattle. The right time is when pastures are frozen and snow-covered, says Craig Roberts, University of Missouri Extension forage specialist. Snow makes the seeds easier to see. Seeding on frozen ground also lessens the chance of rutting or compacting soils.

Gizmos & Gadgets

Tools for farms, ranches and feedlots.

In this month’s “Gizmos & Gadgets” column, BioZyme Inc. announces its new line of fermentation products; John Deere introduces a new line of narrow tractors ideal for orchards and vineyards; and CNH Industrial debuts its latest automation and autonomy solutions.

Higher Land Values, Cash Rents

USDA reports on 2022 trends in land values, cash rents.

Survey findings from the USDA-National Agricultural Statistics Services estimated Nebraska farm real-estate values, including all ag land and buildings, in 2022 increased by 21% to an average of $3,750 per acre (see Fig. 1). The year-over-year increases mark an increase of $650 for this annual period. Kansas and Iowa led the nation for the highest rates of increase in the market value of farmland, at 25.2% and 21.4% for market value averages of $9,400 and $2,630 per acre. Nebraska marked the third-highest percentage increase for rising farm real estate when ranked against the other states.

January 11, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 1-A

Winter Bull Management

Tips for maintaining bulls during the winter months.

Ideally, bulls should be separated from the cow herd after the breeding season to give them a chance to regain body condition if they lost weight. Winter management of bulls is important to ensure bulls are healthy and in top shape for the next breeding season.

Winter Water Challenges

Ideas for keeping water flowing during cold weather.

Keeping stockwater ice-free can be frustrating during colder months. Water availability is also an issue in some pastures. Karl Hoppe, Extension livestock specialist for North Dakota State University, shares options to keep water flowing, even at temperatures of -30° F.

Angus at Work

How bull selection affects your feeder-calf prices.

We are heading into bull sale season, so the Nov. 22 episode of our Angus at Work podcast is geared to give you some bull selection criteria — but with the perspective of the end product. Miranda Reiman caught up with Brian Bertelsen, vice president of field operations at U.S. Premium Beef, at the recent Feeding Quality Forum. He offers insight into ways to make the most money off your feeder cattle, along with how your bull selection plays into that.