September 22, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 9-B


CAB Sustainability Award

Kansas Ranchers Recognized for Sustainability Efforts

One family’s journey to the peak of premium beef production earns the CAB Sustainability Award for Wharton 3C Cattle.

The view of Wharton 3C Ranch, near Syracuse, Kan., in the summer of 2023 is so green Shannon and Rusty Wharton might have better luck convincing people it is a slice of heaven rather than the harsh, drought-ridden environment locals know.

Gizmos & Gadgets

Innovative products, services to use on your farm or ranch.

In this month’s “Gizmos & Gadgets” we feature a dual-purpose paraciticide, an update on the prescription availabilty of antibiotics, a new recordkeeping app, a vertical lift compact track loader and rye seed cocktail mixes.

Deciding to Keep or Sell Heifers

K-State cattle experts offer tips on how to make this choice.

When making a big life decision, many people turn to making a list of pros and cons to help them logically work through the process. In agriculture, that often leads to creating a spreadsheet to calculate costs, depreciation and potential for a return on the investment, say cattle experts at Kansas State University.

September 7, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 9-A

Late-Summer Hay and Pasture Management Considerations

Late summer and early fall are the best times to evaluate hay and pasture fields.

Late summer and early fall are optimum times to evaluate hay fields and pastures to determine next steps and potential improvements. A careful assessment will allow you to determine if a full burndown and reseeding is necessary or if some more basic remediation practices can be done to try and improve the field.

Preweaning Protocols During a Strong Cattle Market

Weather and vaccine choice play roles in calf health response.

Ranchers are happy this year with a strong market for calves, and some are wondering if they need to do anything differently in their preweaning strategies. If they have been doing everything right for optimum health at weaning, including a good vaccination protocol, they probably don’t need to do anything differently.

BETSY Delivers Sophisticated Phenotyping System

OneCup AI developed technology to monitor and track animal health, welfare, activity, growth and nutrition.

“OneCup AI has designed an artificial intelligence technology using computer vision that is named BETSY, which stands for Bovine Expert Tracking and Surveillance,” explained Mokah Shmigelsky, OneCup AI. Shmigelsky was a featured speaker during the 2023 Beef Improvement Federation Symposium hosted in Calgary, Alta., Canada, this summer.