November 22, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 11-B


CAB Sustainability Award

A Business Case for Using EPDs

Producer panel provides insight into how the industry can effectively put EPDs to use.

Three influential producers from the United States and Canada presented “A Business Case for Using EPDs” during the 2023 Beef Improvement Federation Annual Symposium. The panel discussion was part of the Advances in Producer Applications breakout session moderated by Darrh Bullock of the University of Kentucky July 4. Panelists included Paul Bennett of Knoll Crest Farm, Red House, Va.; Sean McGrath of Round Rock Ranching, Vermilion, Alta., Canada; and Donnell Brown, RA Brown Ranch, Throckmorton, Texas.

Gizmos & Gadgets

Products and services for the farm and ranch.

This month's “Gizmos & Gadgets” features FDA approval of additional claims for the combination use of Pennchlor® and Rumensin®, a new ultrasound unit by ReproScan and New Holland Agriculture’s new CR11 combine.

Do Only Americans Own America?

Foreign investment in agricultural lands in the United States and its effects.

Foreign investment in the United States, while not a new phenomenon, has recently caught the attention of the American public and members of the U.S. House and Senate.

November 8, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 11-A

Effects of Lower Corn Prices on Feeding Cost of Gain for Cattle Finishing

What to expect from corn prices through the first half of 2024.

Cash corn prices in Kansas were higher than $7 per bushel (bu.) in the first four months of 2023, peaking in February at $7.35 per bu. The average corn price in August, the latest month for which data are available from USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, was $5.70 — 22% lower than the average corn price in February.

Working Cattle — ATV or Horseback?

Does it come down to preference, or are there times when one is better than the other?

If you want lively discussion, ask stockmen if they gather/move/sort/handle cattle by horseback or with an ATV/four-wheeler/quad. Some will be adamant about the virtues (and drawbacks) of one or the other, while some use both.

‘Invisible Fence’ Keeps Cattle on Ranch, Protects Environment

Replacing wire and posts with cell towers and GPS collars offers a new way to set boundaries for grazing cattle.

For decades, Jim Strickland has managed and operated Blackbeard’s Ranch in Myakka City, Fla. As much as he cares about his cattle, he sees himself as an environmental steward. Strickland, 68, has been in the cattle business since he was a child. He loves the land, and he believes in the value science brings to his ranch.