June 21, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 6-B

Front Page

Angus Advantage

Plan & Prepare

Economists offer strategies for managing interest rates, inflation and volatility.

While volatility in the weather and markets may seem irregular and unpredictable, they’ve been a part of the global economy all along. Brent Gloy and ag economist David Kohl share strategies to navigate the economic landscape going forward.

Alex Tolbert

Association Perspective

As we celebrate 150 years of Angus in America, let’s embrace the bold innovation that got us here to rebuild herds with traits that will position us for the future.

The year is 1873. The country is rebuilding after a major conflict amongst friends, families at odds with one another, a war between states. There’s civil unrest. Westward expansion is in full swing. It’s an era marked by fragility and uncertainty, yet there remains great potential, great opportunity. It’s a time that favors the bold, the innovative and the visionaries.

The Changing Cost of Cattle Transportation

With fewer drivers willing to long-haul cattle, a feedlot’s distance to the packing plant could become a major factor.

There has been a lot of commentary among consumers about gas prices as we unofficially head into summer. Nationally, regular gasoline prices had begun slowly to come off their all-time highs of $5.01 per gallon (gal.) in June 2022 to a new low of $3.09 per gal. in January 2023.

June 7, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 6-A

Do Heifers Have More Potential Value Than Steers?

For cow-calf producers who understand and leverage a heifer’s value potential, steers are great for providing income, but heifers can be used to generate wealth.

When going out to tag calves, most cow-calf producers would prefer to find a bull calf rather than a heifer. This is logical given that the bull calf, which in most cases will become a steer, will weigh more and bring more money per pound when selling at weaning than heifer herdmates born at the same time.

News & Notes

Stay current with news from across the country.

This month’s “News & Notes” includes a new hire for Low Carbon Technologies, USDA updates, news from the Angus Foundation, industry opinions about the Supreme Court ruling in the WOTUS case, and a podcast episode covering bovine congestive heart failure.

Register Now for Feeding Quality Forum

Take advantage of half-price registration through June for premier cattle-feeding event.

Join cattle feeders, cow-calf producers and industry professionals for the latest trends, hot topics and key solutions at the 18th annual Feeding Quality Forum, hosted by Certified Angus Beef. The event will be at the Graduate Lincoln hotel in Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 22-23, 2023.