June 21, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 6-B



Monitor Livestock Water Quality Throughout the Grazing Season

The quality of water affects cattle intake and weight gain.

Having access to good-quality water is one of the limiting factors for cattle in most grazing systems. The quality of water affects cattle intake and weight gain. Studies have reported improved gains by as much as 0.24 pound (lb.) per day in yearlings and 0.33 lb. per day in calves drinking good-quality water.

Gizmos & Gadgets

Check out the newest educational opportunities and learn about a feed management system created to maximize resources.

This month’s column includes an easier identification system for Outdoor Edge’s blades, an educational opportunity from the Noble Research Institute, a feed management platform from Topcon Agriculture and equipment upgrades from John Deere.

Planting Forage Sorghum, Sudangrass and Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrids

More than just an emergency forage crop, forage sorghums and sudangrass crosses are highly digestible and high-yielding.

Summer annual grasses will perform well in dry conditions, but also have the potential to produce high-quality forage under optimum growing conditions. These crops may help stretch forage supplies for producers who anticipate inventory shortages. Early June is an ideal time to establish these forage crops for both dry and normal growing conditions.

June 7, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 6-A

Forage Soybeans Rate a Look

Florida demonstration finds high-protein, high-fat feedstuff grown and harvested for $91 per ton as fed.

Paying the feed bill is painful. To add to the stress level, supply chain issues make availability a dicey proposition. As a result, University of Florida cattle nutrition specialist Nicolas DiLorenzo is looking at nontraditional feeds. Last summer, it was silage made from forage soybeans.

Progressive Angus Breeders Tout Marbling With Balance

Today’s beef customer, be it stocker, feedlot, packer or consumer, wants high marbling.

Across cow country, progressive Angus breeders are breeding with marbling in mind. Consumers have proven time and again the more they taste high-quality beef, the more they want. They are also willing to pay for it. Just look at Certified Angus Beef® brand sales during the last 10 years.

Cover Crops Improve Soil Health and Increase Forage Production

The benefits of creating a diverse ecosystem within a field.

Calvin Gavelin is the third generation on his farm near McCord, Sask., Canada, where he grows a variety of cover crops — annuals, biennials and perennials.