July 18, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 7-B



Consider Weaning Now

Wean calves early to reduce nutrient needs during drought.

“Early-wean calves to reduce cow herd nutrient needs to match drought-limited feed resources,” says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist. In addition, early weaning can improve calf performance because calves are put on a more nutritious diet following weaning.

Gizmos & Gadgets

Check out new industry initiatives ranging from new health products to heavy equipment.

This month’s column features a generic moxidectin injectable, a line of small articulated loaders, seasonal minerals, and a new disc header for a series self-propelled windrowers.

Seed an ‘Annual’ Pasture Within a ‘Perennial’ Pasture

Add oats and brassicas to stands that are thin.

Producers looking for ways to grow forages during drought might consider planting an “annual pasture within a perennial pasture,” says University of Missouri Extension State Forage Specialist Harley Naumann. Naumann says this is a good year to add cool-season annual grass seed to perennial pastures. Cool-season grasses can extend the growing season, provide excellent nutritive value and complement thin pastures.

July 6, 2023 | Vol. 15 : No. 7-A

Should You Consider Limit-feeding Your Cow Herd?

Limit-feeding is an option when forages fail to meet the herd’s daily nutritional needs or when grazing could cause long-term damage to the forage base.

Limit-feeding is not a typical strategy for most cow-calf operations, but it offers many benefits to consider, especially during times of drought and high feed prices. Jason Warner, extension cow-calf specialist at Kansas State University, shares advice for producers for limit-feeding cows.

New Research Reveals How Grazing Management Practices Affect Cattle Weight Gain by Altering Foraging Behavior

Implementing a more intensive rotational system within the growing season has been suggested to offer a greater chance for more sustainable grazing management.

Rotational or continuous grazing? Which system allows for more sustainable and profitable free-range livestock production?

Annual Forage Options for July or August Planting

There’s still time to plant annual forages. Here are tips to choose and manage the right annual to fill your herd’s needs.

If planting in July, warm-season annual grasses are good options for forage production. They can be used to produce hay, silage, green chop, or grazing both during the summer or winter. However, if the desired use is winter grazing and the need is for high-quality forage, then delaying planting until late July or early August and using cool-season winter-sensitive species like oats may be a better fit.